Three Things Magazine 

For young people seeking excellence, Three Things is a new town square for Art, Ideas, and Entrepreneurship

Three Things Magazine aids and abets young adults striving to live authentically human lives amid a prevalent culture of mediocrity.

Three Things is a new tri-annual publication by and for vibrant, thoughtful young adults (14-21). In our current culture of death and despair, we need, now more than ever, a strong culture of life and hope. At Three Things we strive to build and grow just such a culture, based on beauty, intellectual discourse, and real-world capability. Through our three things; art, ideas, and entrepreneurship; we aim to delight, fascinate, and equip our readers with the tools they need to build good souls, good minds, and good lives.

  • Art: The First Thing, consisting of visual and literary art, explores the depths of the human experience. We publish art that bores into us and gnaws our hearts. Through quality craft, we raise our souls in wonder towards our Creator. The First Thing delves into the mystery of man and God through beauty, story, and reflection. This category is exclusively comprised of work by young adults.

    “Let me, then, confess what I know about myself, and confess too what I do not know, because what I know of myself I know only because you shed light on me, and what I do not know I shall remain ignorant about until my darkness becomes like bright noon before your face.” Augustine, Confessions

  • Ideas: The Second Thing, consisting of literary analysis, reviews, opinion pieces, etc., and a scholarly adult guest writer is designed to gratify and broaden the inquisitive mind. We publish original, thought-provoking content to promote further study and contemplation. The Second Thing cultivates good taste, reason, and wisdom.

    “Reason is natural revelation, whereby the eternal Father of light, and fountain of all knowledge communicates to mankind that portion of truth which he has laid within the reach of their natural faculties.” John Locke, A Treatise on Human Understanding

  • Entrepreneurship: The Third Thing, consisting of relevant interviews, educational resources, and articles by outside the box do-ers, cultivates a hopeful, confident spirit in those about to start out in the world. Here we equip our readers with the “hard skills” to begin building their adult lives. The Third Thing brings Three Things full circle. After filling our readers with beauty, truth, and goodness, we send them out equipped to share it and create it in their corner of the world. (Three Things Magazine realizes we are in an age of commerce that changes faster than credentials; our entrepreneurship section is equally valuable to those in and out of college.)

    “If we can fall in love with serving people, creating value, solving problems, building valuable connections and doing work that matters, it makes it far more likely we're going to do important work.”

    Seth Godin

A Vision, a Belief, A Feast

We envision young people capable of leading good lives and bringing God’s vitality into a struggling world. We see the innate capacity for excellence in young adults and strive to resource this through our tri-annual publications. While current culture teaches how to survive, Three Things provides content to thrive.

We believe our humanness, the very fact that we are made in the image of God, is simultaneous with our capacity for greatness. The value of authentic humanness is eternal, integral, and irreplaceable. It alone enables us to know God. Such humanness is cultivated over a life time, from our beginning to our end.

Three Things Magazine is a feast for the soul, the mind, and the body (our connection to the world). We feed these aspects of persons to grow strong young people, capable of bearing the eternal weight of glory.