The Thing with 3

Across time and culture, 3 has commanded a special regard. It has connoted wholeness, balance, and life. The equilateral triangle, a perfect geometric expression of 3, has held particular interest for artists, philosophers, and architects.

It is fitting that 3 has been the subject of human fascination for so long; the source and origin of our capacity to create, think, and form is a trinitarian God. The harmony of an equilateral triangle mimics trinitarian harmony.

Three Things Magazine emulates the many qualities of 3. We provide balanced, interesting, and sound content for the formation of the whole person. Three Things seeks to bring divinity into the authentically human pursuits of art, ideas, and entrepreneurship.



Classical and Neo-classical art frequently use triangular lines to create compositional harmony. The triangular structure draws the eye up to a point of drama while maintaining visual order.


The Pythagoreans, early philosopher-mathematicians, swore their oaths on the tetractys, a special equilateral triangle made up of 9 smaller equilateral triangles. It was thought to be a perfect simplification of mathematical canon and to relate to the composition of the universe.


Architects and builders have always used triangles for simple structural support. They are the strongest shape and also visually aesthetic, lending to frequent, and stylish, employment.

“Omne Trium Perfectum; Every thing that is three is perfect”

3 Things

We have three favorite sets of three things that guide our content

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Truth, Beauty, And Goodness

which we strive to make palpable, applicable, and real through…

Art, Ideas, and Entrepreneurship

With these three things we defy our culture of rebellion, seeking true freedom in alignment with God. We create an alternative town square for young adults who find themselves seeking different things than what society promotes; eternal things instead of temporal things, hope instead of despair, independence instead of dependence, creation instead of consumption. If you’re one such person we’re here to tell you; you’re not alone. We exist primarily to accompany such people in leading good lives, giving great things, and being authentically human.

Our Founder

Amelia Thomason specializes in the art of being a generalist. She is utterly delighted by many things. She reads books on everything. She laughs loudly and speaks emphatically and asks questions just so she can answer them.  She is a prolific creator, a unique thinker, and an ardent do-er. She struggles with chronic daydreaming, drives herself to madness with her own cynicism, and was the valedictorian of sixth grade. On this occasion, she gave a very good speech and, resting comfortably on these laurels, never returned to school. Instead, she has spent the years reading with extensive breadth and depth, sitting on the porch ruminating, perfecting her favorite chocolate cake, debating, vacuuming, travelling, writing, walking, gardening, cooking, talking, hiking, and looking at her dog. She has a fantastic memory for everything except historical dates. When she was born the nurses said, “She looks like she’s been here before”. While this is only her first time around, she does know a thing or two about a thing or two or three. And so begins Three Things.